Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You Know You're Indian When....

You Know You're Indian When....
1. Your dad is some sort of engineer or doctor.
2. You know what's going to happen in every Hindi movie before it happens
3. You're father and grandfathers have hair on their ears
4. Your relatives' houses smell like incense, mothballs or both
5. You buy corn oil by the gallon.
6. You arrive one or two hours late to a party and think it's normal.
7. You are standing next to the two largest suitcases at the Airport.
8. Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making long distance calls.
9. There is a sale on any item, you buy 100 of them.
10. Your mother does everything for you if you are male.
11. You do all the housework and cooking if you are female.
12. Your relatives alone could populate a small city.
13. You went to a university as far away from home as possible.
14. You still came back home to live with your parents after you had finished.
15. Your best friend got married at the age of 16.
16. You use chilli sauce instead of tomato ketchup.
17. You say you hate Indian films but secretly watch them with your parents.
18. You order Indian food in your own language to impress the people you're with but the waiters don't understand you.
19. You secure your baggage with a rope.
20. You're walking out of customs with your trolley at the airport and you see all twenty-five members of your family who have come to pick you up.
21. You're parents would freak out if your sister wore a crop top baring her midriff...but wearing a sari is perfectly acceptable
22. Your parent are panicking if you aren't married when you turn 25
23. Your mother measures wealth in gold and diamonds
24. A horoscope must decide your wedding date
25. Your parents drink 6 cups of tea a day
26. You are sick and tired of answering questions about "the dot"
27. You could not explain your religion to someone if you tried
28. No one ever seems to call ahead of time to say they are coming over for a visit.

Hepp, lunch time; Chicken Spring Rolls with Garlic Sauce and Cut Fruits. Same as last three months, why change if something is good?

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