Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Picture of the Day
Monday, March 30, 2009
Brrrr, I'm trembling by just thinking of it.
Over and Out!
Friday, March 27, 2009
I'm alive
Over and Out!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pictures of the Day

By the way; in another 6 hours I'm hopefully boarding LH759 to Frankfurt and then further on to Copenhagen.
See ya in Sweden ladies and gentlemen.
Over and Out!Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pictures from factory inauguration
Red ribbon wrapped around the factory; looked like a birthday gift.

Over and Out!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One person in this photo doesn't belong there, guess who? Clue; he's got a slightly different skin colour and dresses in a different way........hmmm, who might it be. The first person who emails me the correct answer will win a 'Trisslott'.
BTW; inauguration went really, really good but more about that later this week.
Over and Out!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Inauguration of factory
What I'm gonna wear for this grand occasion you might think? Naash, just pulled this baby out of the closet; it was just hanging there for no special reason at all. Will it make me look like a BollyWood star? Answer: Yes! Will it make me look hot? Answer: Yes! Will it make me hot? Answer: Yes, it's hotter than hell but; no pain no gain aight?

I showed it for the guy who cooks for me; Manikandran aka Mani:
- Ooohh, John, you looooook very, very handsome, like photo model.
- If you say so.........
- It match your skin tone very, very good also!
- Oh, didn't think of that, thank you very much.
- Acha, acha, I think very, very much expensive, yes maybe 2000 rupees (320 sek). No, I think 5000 rupees (825 sek), too much, you buy cheap at local market.
- No, this is designer wear, it cost a little bit more but I will only do this once in my lifetime I think, so it can cost a little bit more, that's ok.
- Acha, acha...........(shaking his head and returns too the kitchen)
Here you might wonder what kind of skin tone I have right now since Mani mention it matches the colours of the dress. Yes, you're correct, it's light brown; light brown as in 'I have been to the beach every Saturday for the whole month of Jan/Feb/March but people in Sweden hasn't seen the sun for more than six months', I think you understand my point........muuhahahahaha
Over and out!
Feeling home sick
My worst fear is to miss the connecting flight in Frankfurt. Just the thought about spending another five hours at one of the most boring airports in the world makes me sick. Standing in the last security check queue at Terminal 1, knowing that the German security personal wants too make your life miserable, makes my even more nervous. If think that everyone single on of those German security officers has a degree in 'How to be unpleasant and rude to foreigners who just want's to catch their connection flight in time'.
Anyway, my new passport has reached Chennai, it took 12 working days from the day I took new photographs at the Swedish Embassy in Dehli until it arrived here in Chennai. IN YOURS FACE INDIAN IMMIGRATION AND PASSPORT OFFICE! Now I only need the 'Return VISA' stamp in the passport; papers filed, approved, getting stamp on Thursday; and then I'm ready for take off.
Over and Out!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday brunch

Originally I planned to publish some more pictures/movies from the brunch/from Mats/Elin but due to serious death treats from some persons I decided keep them to myself. If anyone is interested in a artistic movie installation of two ladies dancing ballet sitting in office chairs; email me and we can discuss the price. It will not come cheap, that much I can say, it's like Andy Warhol style 2009 in Chennai, India.
Over and out!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Srinivasan - My Driver
- Sir, you like chicken?
- Eeeee......what?
- Yes, accident happen on high way with chickens. Some driver dropped cage of chicken babies on the road. I stopped and help him catch them......
- OK..........eeeee......good.
- .....and driver didn't didn't catch four of them. He's in very much hurry. I took in car and bring to factory in car; no problem for you sir?
- Not really, is the car clean now
- Yes, very clean
- OK, good, now I have to eat lunch. I'm very hungry.
- OK sir, thank you sir.
He's leaving the room with a big smile. 6 PM I'm leaving work and the car heads back to city. After ten minutes in the car I here this chirping sound but I can't really locate were it's coming from; I lower the sound of the radio but the sound is still there.
- Srinivas, what is that sound? Is it your phone?
- It's baby chicken sir, they are in back of car!
- Eeeeeee.........you gonna take the chicken home?
- Yes sir, my wife like babie chicken to much!
- You're gonna eat the chicken or what?
- NO SIR! Pet, at home, very cute!
When we reach the apartement; Srinivasan opens the trunk and in the bottom of a box there's four small brown chickens sleeping just like small chickens can do. Very cute.

Picture of the Day
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
News of the Week
There's also some story about Shiva doing something a long time ago which can be related back today's Holi celebration but seriously; I don't care! In the newspaper today they had this one page of Holi related stuff and in the middle of this page I found this recipe of making a special lassi.
Yes, a small amount of marijuana is the ingredient in this Delicious lassi. I could write that I'm surprised but I'm not cause last week I read about that guy who's adding cow pee in his ayurvedic drink. So, hence forward I want Bhang Lassi from Monday to Thursday and on Friday and weekends I will spice up my life with a Hot Buttered Bhang! (Mom and Dad, FYI: I will not drink this)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Pictures of the Day
You can also see politicians giving speeches at rural villages where they never should have put their feet during ruling time. Normally the propaganda material is very tacky and of low quality but I have now found some propaganda that can be very appealing for the eye, wall paintings. All this pictures has been taken on my normal route to work.

Monday, March 9, 2009
Photo Three of a kind - Color contrasts

You can find more information on the following link:
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Todays activities
To reduce the hang over feeling and to restore some energy for coming Monday, we headed for the brunch at The Park; in my opinion the best brunch in Chennai with a lot of meat, chicken, sea food, sushi, Indian food and most important; unlimited sparkling and red/white vine. If I shall be a little negative about The Park it's that they regularly forget food orders. Even though they are 1000 waiters per person they managed to mess up a regular order of pizza, but what the hell; we're in India right!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Crazy Indians Part 1
Yummie...............I'll put an order for 200 bottles right away!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why didn't I have any breakfast you might think; 'It's the MOST important meal in the whoooole day I've been told'. The truth, the guy who cocks for me, Mani, has gone to his native place for a couple of days. My body is slowly deteriorating into bad habits; 'Come back Mani, I need you now!'
SOS, SOS..............
Over and out!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team
Just last month the Indian cricket team refused to play against Pakistan at their homefield in Lahore. Today this happened, tragedy for the sport and the country of Pakistan.
Agra Fort