Friday, April 10, 2009

Feeling tired

I've felt really tired the last two weeks. Even though I'm sleeping almost 7-8 hours a day and even more on weekends; I feel tired every time the alarm clock yells at me early 06:15 in the morning. I'm snoozing at least two times a nine minute each before I'm getting up and hardly then I'm able to get up.

But I think I know the solution for this problem. In Sweden there's one cartoon called 'Bamse'. It's about Bamse, the world strongest bear, and his adventures with his friend. One of his friends is called Skalman and he's got a clock which tells you when to eat and sleep! No matter the situation; Skalman follows this clock (according to Wikipedia there has been some exeptions but that's another story).

Somehow I need to get my hands on a 'Eat and Sleep'-clock. I wonder where I can find one in India?

Skalman and his 'Eat and Sleep' clock
Credit: Rune Andreasson (R.I.P)

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